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Micro-needling- EVERYTHING you need to know


Microneedling gently stimulates the skin’s natural healing process by creating micro-channels with very fine needles that close up within an hour. This reduces the healing time, risk of infection and makes it safe to use on all skin colors with minimal complications. Microneedling safely encourages collagen production, keeps the skin healthy and actually makes it thicker.

Skin needling also increases penetration of serums and other active ingredients to support the skin’s normal cell functions. Microneedling can optimize the absorption and effectiveness of anti-aging products by up to 3000%


Mild to moderate acne scarring.

Fine lines and wrinkles (great for around the mouth and crow’s feet).

Loose, lax skin.

Skin tone and texture.

Pore size.

Stretch marks.

Superficial Pigmentation.

Sun Damaged skin.

Surgical Scars.

Hyper-Pigmentation (darkening of the skin).


Have a used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last six months.

Have open wounds, cuts or abrasions on the area being treated.

Have had radiation treatment to the skin within the last year.

Have any kind of current skin infection or herpes simplex in the area to be treated. (microneedling

can trigger outbreaks).

Are pregnant or breast feeding (all the nutrients should go to the baby and not to repair the skin).

Also, numbing cream cannot be applied to nursing mother.

Have any history of keloid scars. (in the area being treated).

Poor wound healing.

Eczema, Psoriasis, Active Acne, Rosacea, or other chronic skin conditions (in the area being treated).

Actinic (Solar) Keratosis.

Diabetes. (delayed wound healing).

Presence of raised moles, warts, or lesions within treatment area.

Have had microneedling within the last 4 weeks.

Botox within 2 weeks or dermal filler injected within the last 4 weeks of the Microneedling

treatment. (In the area that will be treated).


Patient has not been on Accutane for the past 6 months. (No Exceptions)

Patient has not had microneedling within the last 4 weeks.

No autoimmune therapies or products 12 hours prior to treatment.

Avoid Retin-A products (retinoids), topical antibiotics, hydroquinone, and benzoyl peroxide 3 days prior to treatment.

No acids or exfoliates should be used by the client, 24 hours before the treatment. Any topical that may dry or irritate the skin. (Eg. Alpha Hydroxyl Acid – AHA or Beta Hydroxyl Acids – BHA)

No prolonged sun exposure to the area being treated, 24 hours prior to the treatment. (Microneedling should not be administered on sunburned skin)

No IPL/Laser procedures for 7 days prior to microneedling. (CO2 must wait 3 months)

No waxing, depilatory creams or electrolysis 7 days prior to the procedure.

No shaving the day of the procedure

On the day of the treatment, the patient should keep their face clean and do not apply makeup if


If client has a history of cold sores, an antiviral agent should be prescribed and started 2 days

prior to treatment.

If active or extreme breakouts occur before treatment, the client can be treated but the infected

area must be avoided or the procedure should be rescheduled.

To decrease the risk of bruising, the client should avoid excessive Alcohol, Aspirin, NSAIDs (ibuprofen, Aleve) Garlic, Gingko Biloba, Fish Oils and Vitamin E for 5-7 days prior to your treatment unless recommended by your physician. These are not contraindicated to performing the treatment.


Most clients will experience redness and mild swelling, similar to bad sunburn. Some may have small areas of pinpoint bleeding and even some bruising. These effects can last 24-48 hours.

The redness usually begins to subside after a few hours and can be covered with make-up 12 hours after treatment. Minor peeling and flakiness can occur after a few days and it is recommended to apply a good moisturizer and sunscreen. It is important to let the area heal on its own and for patients not to pick on flaking skin. Within a week or two, the skin is smoother and more radiant looking. As the body produces collagen the full effects on the procedure will be seen a few months later.


Skin needling is well tolerated by patients but dryness, scaling, redness and swelling may be seen after treatment, lasting for several days or longer, depending on the depth of penetration of the needles.

Patients should avoid intentional and direct sunlight for at least 24 hours. No tanning beds. 

ALWAYS usephysicalsunscreen/sunblockwithanSPF30orhigher.DoNOTgooutsidewithout sun protection (even on a cloudy day).

Use hydrating and reparative products. Products rich in soothing and healing ingredients are best to encourage new healthy cell growth. Peptides, antioxidants, stem cells, vitamins A, C and E, and growth factors work very well

Patients should not apply regular make-up for a minimum of 12 hours after the treatment.

Patients should NOT scratch or peel the skin as this may cause permanent scarring

Patients should drink plenty of water

Mineral make-up is recommended post-procedure because it lets the skin breathe and helps the skin healing process. If needed, a specially formulated post-treatment foundation called Oxygenetics can be worn that promotes the healing of the skin.

Rejuvenation of skin maybe seen in 1-2 weeks and will continue to improve for up to 6months after the procedure.

Note: Burn scars are slow to respond. It can take 6 months to 1 year to see the final results from a single treatment.

Patients should not use any Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C (in a low pH formula) or anything perceived as ‘active’ skincare for at least 3 days’ post treatment. Clients may resume their home care regimen when skin is no longer flaking and peeling.

Patients should NOT go swimming for at least 24 hours’ post-treatment.

Patients should NOT exercise or do strenuous activity for the first 24 hours’ post-treatment. Sweating and gym environments can be harmful and may cause adverse reactions, due to open pores and bacteria.

Patients should NOT take any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for the skin rejuvenation. Use Tylenol only as needed for any tenderness.

After skin needling it is best to wait 2 hours before cleansing the face with a gentle cleanser. 12 hours post-procedure, the face may be cleansed and makeup, lotions and other topical products can be applied as usual.


CLEAN – The evening after the procedure, use a gentle cleanser and tepid water to cleanse the face and gently pat dry the treated skin. Always make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area. Continue for 72 hours.

HEAL – Serums with antioxidants are recommended post treatment, as the properties are ideal to help heal soothe and minimize irritation of the skin.

HYDRATE – Following microneedling treatment the skin may feel drier than normal. Hyaluronic Acid is an ideal ingredient to hydrate and restore the skin back to perfect balance. It is also important to drink plenty of water.

STIMULATE – 2 to 3 days following microneedling, the skin starts to regenerate. Collagen- stimulating peptides are ideal at this time to continue the stimulation.

MAKEUP – Makeup should not be applied for 12 hours after the procedure. Do not apply any makeup with a brush, especially if it is not clean. If it is absolutely required mineral makeup or Oxygenetics is recommended.

PROTECT – Apply a broad-spectrum sunblock with an SPF 30 or greater. A physical sunblock containing Zinc or Titanium Dioxide is highly recommended.

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